Friday 30 April 2010

chuck norris facts

note the use of facts, not jokes.

this are scanned pictures of my quote book. i got it at 14 from a friend and it is nearly chock-a-block full.
this is the cover.

and here are some extras that i have since fallen in love with but didn't fit on the page.

chuck norris is the only person in the world that can actually email a roundhouse kick.

chuck norris can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

chuck norris knows where carmen sandiego is.

Tuesday 27 April 2010


since i was very very little
not that long ago - but because i'm so short, if i say little people usually think like, a year ago.
so - very very little means when i was 5.

i really wanted glasses.
i used to read in the dark to ruin my eyes, but that never helped because i have the best vision ever.
and the day i had conjunctivitis i was so excited because i thought it was my eyesight failing and the glasses-wearing part of my life would begin.

but alas, no.
so instead, i steal my mums glasses, take photos and spend days convincing my friends i got glasses. and i also wear cheap ones i got from a 2 dollar store that i poked the lenses out of.

i am that cool.

all images property of eva @ 2010

Tuesday 20 April 2010

hand-set-off fireworks

so i've already talked about how amazing it is that you can buy fireworks in switzerland
and heeeere is another slr creation.

so worth sitting out in the cold, having forgotten your jacket, hat or gloves. and kneeling on cement balancing an expensive camera on a box, trying for-the-life-of-me to keep it still so we don't have to take this photo again! did i mention the crazy lady across the street who then accused the australian school system of failing because they encouraged vandalism? hoh yes, crazy.

but i didn't complain when i saw this.

all images property of eva @ 2010

Monday 19 April 2010


so much of me loves shakespeare. despite having thoroughly studied many plays in my short life (including the dreaded hamlet and his procrastination, which makes us alike),

i love the language he uses

and i wish we still spoke like that today

even though it would be very hard and every sentence infinitely longer. imagine the msn talk!

i try to get a dose of shakespeare in my vocabulary at least once a day, usually by saying wherefore instead of why. it's hard though, because most people don't get it and then i have to go on my spiel about liking shakespearian language and admitting to being a nerd and it gets complicated.

to uncomplicate, i propose a 'talk like shakespeare day' should be established, particularly for those nerdy counterparst among us. there's a 'use a shakespearian insult day' so i concur that my day will be quite popular.

do youse agree?

(and yes, my grammar is supposed to be ironic)


sorry it's been so long since i posted - i had an epic finish-work-struggle aaaaaaaaaand

i drove to canberra!!!!
i got some lovely picatures which i shall post soon, but for now here is my latest clay creation.

i have made a burger before, but these ones aren't cheeseburgers. they also include - if you can see properly - pickles. and i also made tomato canes that were supposed to look like real tomato slices but failed. oh and the seeds on top also failed.. but anywho..

Tuesday 13 April 2010

yes and yes

i've just discovered this wonderful blog called yes and yes.

sarah loves to give advice (especially about travelling and life) and quotes and inspiration and she's also got this section of interviews with people who have true stories to tell.
it's amazing.

one post that stuck out to me is this one..

my favourite is her last line
If you don't want to, you don't have to feel like you need to make excuses for living a life that works for you.

after every time i visit this site, i get all warm and gooey inside. :)

Monday 12 April 2010


ah, switzerland trumps australia.
for nye, anyone above the age of 12 can buy fireworks. which means, i can.
that, and a wonderful nikon slr means i can produce these photos..

there are more photos, but i don't want to put them up all at once. :)

all images property of eva @ 2010


but of course, FAKE baking.

these are two sets of goodies that went into the oven today.the donuts - we have chocolate, coffee (the lighter one with dark sprinkles) and vanilla with colourful sprinkles. yum!

and these are all pretzels. we have some savoury pretzels with salt - which turned translucent post-oven. and then there's half chocolate coated. and vanilla glazed (which are my favourite) and a failure at a cinnamon one. i got all the colours wrong and now it looks like chilli or something :)

but i am having a pretzel obsession and i really miss the store i used to get them from. they always had delicious, soft, warm pretzels. they had a collection of savoury but my favourite were the vanilla glazed. and little pretzel bites.
yummy pretzel bites! from bakingdom

which is why i spent a good deal of my day trawling through Bakingdom and drooling over her yummy photos. but most importantly, planning when i am going to try making some of my own pretzels. i had no idea it was so easy!

and i have the shape forming part down pat, as you can see from above :)

love love

Sunday 11 April 2010


i adore this band.
they make some amazing music.

but the video that caught my attention when i found it and caused me to listen to their music was this one..


p.s. there's also a making of somewhere on the net
p.p.s. at one point they also did the video live, but i can't find it anymore. but how is it possible?

we moved?!?

it's a website called emails from crazy people
and has the most random, funniest, most annoying emails ever.

i'm gonna post the original email that started my obsession with this website.

but until then - here's a sample.
this caught my eye because of the title - and the fact that the person then goes onto explaining it, because it's actually possible right?

Shocking: New Zealand and Australia are out of their place on the map

Hi all,

this subject got started originally in the thread “Something has changed timeline” when I sent post about my own experiences related to possible timeline changes. I thought that I’m alone with this subject but after mentioning about it in the thread the interest aroused and other people started to say the same thing in shock. It was suggested that this subject needs its own thread and here I’m writing to you.

One of the shockiest timeline changes I have noticed is the changed location of New Zealand and Australia on the map. They have dramatically changed their places and we are now talking about paranormal/supernatural events as it looks like those land masses have almost “jumped” to other location.

There are people like me that have always remembered and still think vividly that NZ is located on the left side/to the northwest of Australia. Then there is Australia, which should be in the middle of nowhere, just a lot of blue water all around it and far away from other land masses (except for NZ on its left side).

But if you go and check the current location of NZ and Australia with your Google Earth you may start to see something really weird. NZ seems to be jumped on the other side, to the south-east of Australia. On the other hand, Australia seems to be shifted a lot to the north, very close to Papua New Guinea so it almost touches it. Where is the Australia which was far away from other land masses? Something seems to be also wrong with the form of Australia. When did the Australia get that spike that is pointing to the Papua New Guinea.

In this thread we could gather all your memories of NZ and Australia, especially if you have memories of NZ located to the NW of Australia. If there are New Zealanders on ATS it would be very interesting to hear their take on this subject. Then we could think about when was the last time you remember seeing Australia in the middle of blue or NZ to the NW of Australia on the map. Mine was 2005 when I was exploring the map of NZ with Google Earth and I think the change must been happend somewhere between 2005-2009.




p.s. love the tagline
you can type in a straitjacket?

oscar wilde

i am not young
enough to know

Thursday 8 April 2010

i miss fridays

last year, we began a new routine.

every friday at midday, we'd grab a guitar, sit on an empty hillside and play and sing every song we could think of.

i would sing as loudly and as badly as i could, but it was so fun!

and now i miss those days.
and i don't even have any photos to share how awesome our little spot was!

Wednesday 7 April 2010

luxury garden shed

cladding made of western red cedar shingles.
i love the overall look. its like an alien pod just landed in the garden. but its a stylish alien pod.
i think my favourite part would be opening the top-hinged door and walking into my very own alien spaceship every morning.

just look at the inside! it's so spacious compared to what it looks like from the outside!
i read that it's because of it's 'unique shape and generous natural light from the roof dome' (here)

and good for the environment (which eva always loves) because of the giant skylight that floods the sphere with light. and there's also nautical-esque portholes on the sides :)

Tuesday 6 April 2010


ah i have much loved memories of this band - mainly because i adore the song drops of jupiter.
i have no idea when it was released and up until about 2 weeks ago, i thought they were just another 90s band with a one hit wonder.

but then i heard this and i was quite surprised to learn that hey soul sister is in fact by the same band - train.

i use youtube to get my music fix when i can't figure out a song or something, or when i want to listen to one i don't have so i went trolling on the net to find this song. and i found this video.

and now i have a burning desire to start glueing maps and photos and magazine cut outs to my wall.

which i know i'd regret the next morning, but come on, how fun does it look?

Monday 5 April 2010

george gobal

if it weren't for electricity, we'd all be

watching television by candlelight.

a rainbow for a monday morning

office section of a department store in switzerland
the fact that they went to the effort to do this beautiful display put a smile on my face :)

Sunday 4 April 2010

i'm in love

so, anyone who knows me knows that i have a thing for packaging design.

like, interestingly designed water bottles.
my mother dreads taking me to the supermarket because we always walk out with far too many bottled waters than we will ever need, but i just need them for my collection, no matter how gruesome the contents are..

i guess this love stems from the admiration of packaging design which is why i was so excited when i found this website
like pee-your-pants-awesome, it is.

it is called Packaging of the World and i am in love.

my favourite has got to be this brac fini sapuni soap box. i just love the simplicity yet the effect!

enjoy browsing!

p.s. i got onto this because i'm researching packaging for my jewellery - markets starting soon i hope!

Thursday 1 April 2010


sorry about not posting.
for the past couple of days.

and the next couple - i've got a few uni assignments plus i'm trying to really crank out the clay stuff because i'm trying to sell it at some markets soon! eek

on the bright side of things, i just found out how long my winter holidays are..

7 weeks!

totally makes up for all the assessments i continuously have.
i may or may not be having a cupcake baking frenzy during those seven weeks of freedom. of the clay persuasion of course.

and because every post is nicer with a picture *cough* slash shameless self-advertising *cough*, here is another bit of eva-made clay...

orange and poppyseed. yum yum

i'm trying more, as we say, gourmet cupcakes with fancier flavours than just pink or purple :)
i haven't taken any photos of the others yet but i made passionfruit choc cupcakes with delicious looking icing. or the orange creme choc cupcakes. i always end up making chocolate ones. for what reason je ne sais pas.

love love