Friday 28 May 2010

rules of rainy day etiquette

1) when walking with umbrellas, leave ample room for others to walk past you, especially if they also have an umbrella. don't walk right next to them and get them wet when your umbrella collides with theirs.

2) make sure to avoid puddles. if you are an avid puddle fan, please wait until all others are out of the splash range before engaging in said jumping activities. don't get others wet because it's fun for you. it's not for us.

3) to continue on the puddle theme, can car drivers please avoid driving right next to the curb just to splash pedestrians. we shouldn't be soaked because we're doing out bit for the environment by not driving. don't purposefully veer to the side, we can see you doing it.

i rest my case.

on a side note: 100th post! woop!

1 comment:

  1. people who can't walk around with an umbrella without hitting others are probably bad drivers who don't know their sense of space.
