Monday 10 May 2010

what makes me happy

i know most people this motivational stuff kinda cheesy, but on the worst days, it's nice to know there are people out there who want to help you feel better.

during my last year of school, my website of choice was fmylife, where i could laugh and feel schadenfreude :)

now my website choice has changed to other things, although i still read FML sometimes.

everytime i go to this website, i find something to improve my spirits.
alex is an amazing writer, and along with his team, has created a blog full of inspirational and amazing stories.

the one i love at the moment is this article, 30 true things you need to know now.
please go and read it, because it's got some pretty amazing quotes on there. since last thursday i have a new quote on my wall -

if the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong.
- dr. gordon livingston

it doesn't necessarily connect to what alex wrote about, but i found it such a nice quote i had to stick it up on my wall.

and one day i will share my wall of love on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I discovered that 30 true things you need to know now independently of this blog, BUT how amazing is it? Theres so many things that you read in it and go "oh wow, taht makes COMPLETE sense, why didnt i think of it liek that before?"
    Ahh i love articles that make e think, and relate to my life!
    Youre wonderful.
