Tuesday 1 June 2010

i'll be back

please please please read that in the arny voice!

i'm not going to post for 2 ish weeks until my semester is over and all my assignments are in and done. and then i'll go crazy, coz i'll be on holidays whilst all my friends are still studying.

and i've got so much planned for the holidays

i really want to go to the movies more.
i hardly ever go. and i like movies. so i think i should go more often. i thought about this yesterday and even dreamt about going to the cinema near my place. (i have really exact dreams, but that's another story)

i'm going on an amazing volunteer trip
where we're helping restore wildlife after flood damage and helping out with rebuilding a school and many more exciting and loving things. for which i'm fundraising right now. (read - chocolate selling)

i'm going to spring clean!
yes, it shall be a hard task, and yes it's winter, but that just means even more rooibos tea with biscuits to motivate me. yum :)

clay making!
i'm going to be making a lot of jewellery to build up my collection.
if you have any ideas, let me know!!

because i live in australia, i'm going to be doing lots of snuggling and staying inside for our *cough* cold winter.

but i'll also be out, i have a few photo projects planned.

i'm going to do lots of reading on designers and architects and sustainable architecture
(see this for what i mean) and lots of bookmarking of wonderful webpages to share.

which brings me to my next point - i'm going to be blogging. a lot.
so please come back and read and comment and let me know how adored i am *cough*

and so i leave you with some jewellery and some sentimental bits.

these pretzels are the ones i baked a long time ago, and then i borrowed a friends lens and took some closer pics of them. my fav are the glazed ones - i would eat that!

it's been just over a year since i started making jewellery (because of this one) and i look back over my first cupcakes that i made. (which i coincidently threw out the other day because i used the wrong clay and they didn't bake properly. they came out warm and soft. ew.)

anyway i digress.
so pretty much, comparing the stuff i used to make with above photos and others i am so proud of how i've improved since then and am looking forward to see how i continue to learn new techniques and think of even more things to make. (that includes ideas from others, so let me know if you have any!)

and now i am off to throw myself into my work and i'll be up for air in 2ish weeks.

love love

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the assignments love, wish I had your motivation :P
    Your holiday plans sound so good, almost as good as Germany!!
    Much love.
