Thursday 1 July 2010


so i work at markets.
which means i get the lovely task of watching people for hours as they browse.

and i've learnt a couple of things..

like couples who dress the same. should not. it just shouldn't be legal.

and mums who wear the same hats as their kids look cute. really.

and men's skirts exist! like cargo pant material in skirt form!

and everyone believes you'll love their pooch as much as they do.

which makes me sound like a hypocrite cough cough cough but i promise i don't believe you'll love them like i do, i just like taking photos!

love love

1 comment:

  1. haha I'm so guilty of that last one! I just don't understand how someone could not love my dog, and meanwhile I'm completely indifferent to theirs. I guess it gives me hope that I'll like my own children, even though other people's children drive me nuts.
