Saturday 20 March 2010

mental gymnastics

something i love about europe is the extremely reliable, extremely on-time train system.

but on my recent trip to the french part of switzerland, my brain was put through some mental gymnastics. (and it fell and hurt its wrist)

i took a train from a train station where everything was written in french and around me everyone spoke french. my train ride lasted a mere twenty-two minutes and when i got off, the language of choice was swiss german.

it's just so amazing that, within one country and one short train trip [the equivalent of my ride to uni] the language spoken can change! my brain exploded and i also made a fool of myself, speaking french instead of schwiizerduetsch to the wrong people.

the funny thing is, you can speak the wrong language to someone and there's a good chance they'll understand you anyway. that's how the education system of switzerland rolls.

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